SINKHOLE is a short-form audio fiction podcast presented as a collection of audio posts from a member of a community of data restoration hobbyists in a sometimes-unfamiliar future. Season three in production.
25 episodes
EP002X - Your Starlight Embrace
A special first anniversary between-season episode showing glimpses into how the world is responding to the events of the season two finale. Starring Ashlee Jones (@ThattownCrzyLdy) as the Reporter, Pacific Obadiah (@PacificOba...

Season Two Q&A
I told you what would happen when you asked me silly questions. A transcript of this episode is available on the website. A very special thank yo...

A Quick Post-Season Announcement
Transcript of audio: Hello! Kale here with some post-season announcements. I promise I won’t take up too much of your time. Before I get into it, I’d like to thank everyone for listening to season two of SINKHOLE- I rea...

EP0020 - When It Happens, As It Happens
It’s happening. Starring Jesse Hall (@wastedarkcell) as Jim Falk. Starring Vic Collins (@panelbeaterva) as The Journalist. All music and sound effects used are available under a CC0 license. Music was ...
Season 2
Episode 10

EP0019 - Road Closure
CONTENT WARNING: This episode contains frank discussion of long-term psychological trauma, potentially self-destructive behaviour, and a depiction of the experience of post-crisis shock. Some of you have been asking about my… my re...
Season 2
Episode 9

EP0018 - The Hole in Rocky Heights
The city government has never been a friend to the Sink. Even before it was the Sink. Back when it was just… that spot between downtown and the south end you drove through to get where you were going. Back when it was “Rocky Heights...
Season 2
Episode 8

EP0017 - Kicking & Screaming
Is that audible? It’s definitely audible. There’s a demonstration going on- people protesting the, um, evacuation request.In other news, I… made someone mad, which you might’ve seen coming. Starring E...
Season 2
Episode 7

EP0016 - The Sensory Information File Format
I was told something this morning. And now I’m going to tell you.I don’t think I’m supposed to do this, but I do think it would be best if members of this community were to hear this from me before you start finding out from ...
Season 2
Episode 6

EP0015 - The Carpenter Embassy
This didn’t happen because I wanted to teach you all a lesson, it happened because people are like this sometimes. I talk about this stuff because people do things like this, not the other way around. Some people… just can’t seem to...
Season 2
Episode 5

EP0014 - The Jim Falk Tape
Yes, I know. Yes, I heard. Yes, I am talking about both things, either thing you might be thinking about. Starring Jesse Hall (@wastedarkcell) as Jim Falk and Emma Johanna Puranen (@spacesword13) as We...
Season 2
Episode 4

EP0013 - Confessions to the Editor
If you don’t recognize it, this is a clip from episode six of The Ropeless Romantic, a podcast that discusses and reacts to the show Knot in Love. Starring Stephen Kropa (@KropaCabana) as The Ropeless ...
Season 2
Episode 3

EP0012 - The Context of Deception
The Hole is making a noise. It’s making a weird noise. A noise that isn’t at all much weirder than the noises it normally makes, if you ask me. Written and produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by Kale Brown. All ...
Season 2
Episode 2

EP0011 - Reliable Sources
Before any of you get too excited, I want to make it clear I’m not recording this because I’m ready to… jump back into the spotlight. Special thanks to Merry N. (@muddyevilist) for lending this project their invaluable familiari...
Season 2
Episode 1

Season One Q&A
If you didn't want at least part of this Q&A to be terribly silly, you shouldn't have asked so many transparently silly questions. A transcript of this episode is ...

Transcripts, Artwork & Answering Some Questions
If you'd like to leave a rating or review on Podchaser, you can do that by clicking here![Full transcript of announcement below.]Well, hey. Kale here.

EP0010 – Paradigm Shift (Season One Finale)
Attention everyone: this is a message from your moderators.It has come to our attention that a recent post in our community may have had the effect of leading users to believe one of our more prominent members is in danger. <...
Season 1
Episode 10

EP0009 – Chief of all Muses
I found something. It’s not a radio broadcast, it’s… some sort of dictation, like dictated notes, and it’s from inside the JMB. Written by Kale Brown with assistance from Elias Taylor. Produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by...
Season 1
Episode 9

EP0008 – Jirelli’s Convenience
The signal isn’t coming from the other tapes. I know it isn’t- I’m sure of it. Written and produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by Kale Brown. The Jirelli’s Convenience jingle stars both the voice of and music co...
Season 1
Episode 8

EP0007 – Modern Transparency
Please stop trying to figure out who I am and where I live. I know you don’t really get why, but it makes me very uncomfortable. And yeah, sure: go ahead and call me one-thirteen. I don’t mind it. Written an...
Season 1
Episode 7

EP0006 – Ask Me Anything
I think we all know that no one’s going to be able to focus on anything else until I answer your questions. Written and produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by Kale Brown. All music and sound effects used are available...
Season 1
Episode 6

EP0005 – The Future with You in It
You’re all extremely kind, but I’m afraid I can’t accept your generosity. Please direct it towards someone who can actually benefit from it. Written and produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by Kale Brown. Starrin...
Season 1
Episode 5

EP0004 – The Jackson Millennium Building
What have they been teaching people? Apparently, almost none of you had heard of the Jackson Millennium Building. Written and produced by Kale Brown. Artwork by Kale Brown. Starring Amy Y. (@achill3a) as the...
Season 1
Episode 4

EP0003 – Tension Testing
It turns out a lot of you are on board with my little experiment, which kind of surprised me. I’m really excited!If you know where I can get a tape retensioner and an analog-compatible IUS, feel free to send me the listing. &...
Season 1
Episode 3