Transcripts, Artwork & Answering Some Questions

Kale Brown
Audio Player
00:00 | 01:53

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[Full transcript of announcement below.]

Well, hey. Kale here. 

This is a post-season announcement for those of you who may not follow the @sinkholepodcast Twitter, and I’ve got two big pieces of news for you:

The first is that SINKHOLE now has a website ( where you can read or download episode transcripts, take a look at some of the art I’ve done for SINKHOLE, and also see some truly incredible fanart that was created during the release of season one. 

The second is that I’m going to be doing a Q&A episode while I’m working on season two and if you’d like to submit a question, you can find a link to do so on the SINKHOLE website homepage. Submissions will be open until Sunday, April 24th. 

When the Q&A episode comes out is going to depend on how many questions I get and also how many of them I end up answering, but I’d like to get it out by the end of April or the first week of May if I can.

Also, if it’s not too much trouble, would you consider taking a minute to leave a rating or review on SINKHOLE if you’ve been enjoying it? It doesn’t really matter where- whatever’s most convenient for you. 

Now, If you’re like me and use Google Podcasts, which both doesn’t allow users to leave reviews and doesn’t have a fiction section for podcasts for some reason, I recommend Podchaser- it’s definitely the easiest and most accessible I’ve found. 

But yeah, that’s all for now.

Stay safe, and… well, you know the rest. 

Music was ‘Ambient Bass Deep Atmospheric Pad’ by waveplaySFX.